Everything You Need To Know About Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Wrongful Death

Wrongful death happens when someone lost his/her life due to another person’s carelessness or wrongful act. Wrongful deaths are quite devastating for surviving family members. They can file a lawsuit to seek compensation for their loss.

Most Common Causes of Wrongful Death

  • Automobile Accidents
  • Airplane Accidents
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Defective Products
  • Workplace Accidents
  • Nursing Homes

Wrongful Death Damages

  • Pain and suffering of the deceased person
  • Medical care costs that the deceased victim endured due to the injury before death
  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Loss of the deceased person’s income
  • Loss of any inheritance due to death
  • Value of the services that would have provided by the deceased person
  • loss of care and support that the deceased person would have provided
  • loss of companionship
  • loss of consortium.

When Is A Wrongful Death Lawsuit Applicable?

A wrongful death lawsuit can arise after situations in which a victim is killed due to the defendant’s wrongful action. This can occur in several situations which include the following:

  • When a victim is killed intentionally.
  • When a victim lost his/her life due to medical malpractice. If a medical practitioner fails to diagnose a condition, or unable to provide the right level of care and a patient dies.

Four Key Elements of Wrongful Death

Negligence- The surviving family members must prove the death of their loved one was caused due to negligence actions of the defendant.

Breach of Duty- To be successful in the wrongful death lawsuit, it must be demonstrated that the defendant owed a responsibility to the victim. Medical practitioners are liable to maintain a patient’s health. It is up to the plaintiff to establish how the defendant’s duty existed, and that the duty was breached through their negligent actions.

Causation- In addition to proving the duty of the defendant, the lawsuit complainant must also prove how the defendant’s carelessness caused the death of their loved one.

Damages- The death of the victim must have caused several damages such as medical treatment, funeral and burial costs, loss of income earnings, loss of care along with pain and suffering of the victim before death.

If your loved one has died due to an accident caused as a result of someone’s negligence, you can pursue legal options. Speak to a professional Pittsburgh Wrongful Death Lawyer Attorney. An experienced law firm or attorney will help you receive the compensation you deserve.